chemical peels
keep your skin fresh and healthy
Our skin is our biggest organ, our biggest environmental filter, and our number one protector against sun, wind, rain, etc. It is also the first thing people see when they look at us, and reflects not only our emotions but also our health and our vitality. In other words, our skin has a big job to do, and faces a ton of challenges in doing it! As such, it's probably earned a bit of TLC over the years. If we want to keep it fresh and showing off the healthy glow we feel inside, we also need to help it repair the damage it suffers in being our first line of defense. Think about it, our skin faces the onslaught of Colorado's weather, of Denver's pollution, and of our mountains' intense UV rays day in and day out. If you were a sun worshiper in your childhood like most of us, you may already be seeing signs of that wear and tear: fine lines, dark spots, uneven skin tone, rough texture, etc. This damage is compounded by slower cell turnover rates as we age. A child's skin turns over every 5-7 days, while an adult over age 50 has a turnover rate of every 90 days! Sometimes skin needs a little help to catch up and shed the damage we inflict!
Luckily for our skin, we live in a time where we have treatments that can not only pamper and protect it, but can actually minimize and reverse some of the damage that we have done to our skin over time, as seen in these before and after photos. First line in these treatments are Doctor Berger's administration of customized medical-grade chemical peels. Designed to gently increase skin cell turnover and remove damaged skin, modern chemical peels can achieve dramatic improvements in skin texture, fine lines, and discoloration with minimal downtime. This are not your mother's chemical peel! Modern peels are easy to work into busy lifestyles and are not painful ordeals with weepy sloughing skin! But they can still restore your skin and help you achieve the goals you and Dr. Berger are working towards: a healthy, glowing complexion that shows the vitality you feel.

The ingredients in chemical peels vary depending on the skin concern they are designed to tackle, but in general, peels contain an acid such as alpha-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid which promote skin exfoliation and induce collagen formation. Peels may contain other ingredients like hydroquinone, which specifically targets melasma and dark spots. The components work to remove damaged skin cells, increase collagen and hyaluronic acid production, and build up skin with a new layer of cells.
what's in a
chemical peel
what are the
The benefits of chemical peels have been understood for centuries. Cleopatra used to bathe in milk, not knowing that it was the lactic acid in milk that gave her skin a glow! Today, chemical peels are used for a variety of concerns from acne, fine lines and wrinkles, melasma, scars, and skin tone. The basic idea is to jump start cell turnover and induce collagen formation. Often a series of peels is required over time to obtain the best effect: a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines, an improvement in skin texture and thickness, and a reduction in melasma and discoloration.
Because of the variation in ingredients, there is also significant variation in chemical peel downtime. Certain peel solutions are designed to penetrate deeply and produce significant flaking, but also carry a higher risk of burns and scarring. This is why picking your provider is so important! Dr. Berger's peels are customized to you, and take into consideration your goals and your lifestyle. Great results can be achieved with several rounds of milder skin peels with very little flaking, while others may require 4-5 days of downtime with much more exfoliation.
what is the

results after 3 chemical peels

reduction in pigment and fine lines after 3 peel treatments

results after 3 chemical peels